July 5, 2017

General News

Crusader 50th Anniversary Celebration

On Thursday, June 29, 2017, Crusader took the afternoon off to celebrate its 50th year of operations.
Joining the team for this celebration were a number of former employees and friends of the company. The function hall was replete with photos of the company and its people past and present. We reveled at the evolution of the company depicted in the photos, from a 2-person operation performing toll converting for box makers, to a leading manufacturer and distributor of specialty paper products sold throughout North America.

The theme of the celebration was our dedication to quality and service, which more than anything accounts for our multi-decade long relationships with many customers and suppliers. Several more employees received their 25-year service awards. Their commitment to quality and service stands the test of time. A special award from employees, presented by Matt Levis and Brian Levis, was given to Joseph Levis, Founder and CEO of Crusader, in grateful appreciation for Joe’s 50 years of outstanding work, leadership and guidance.

We salute the efforts and achievements of all who have worked so long and hard to help make Crusader the company it is today.